Dont get lost in the details. We often try to drive each others curiousity here. I kept getting mixed up with with the 460v thing, when I was trying to reference 415hz aircraft type of motors. If your going to convert a 460v three phase 40hp(60hz) motor, by installing some neo's on the rotor, im sure the stator has a big unuff bore to accomodate this. im sure you already plan to machine the rotor to accept the magnets. The question then becomes what speed will "you" spin the rotor. Also depending on the speed, you will determine if the original stator wiring will make the type of volts you need. just remember to configure the six wires in the box to the lowest voltage,(230v to power the motor for example, not the 460 configuration) to get your 3phase out for the rectifiers. I work with 30hp motors of this type, a 40hp will be large and heavy just as a 30hp is(there monsters like 300lbs or something).
I have often wondered if trying to do the same thing you are, it would workout better on a 415hz(for example) motor, than with a 60hz motor. at least for the sake of salvaging the original stator winding. Especially when driving the converted motor at 1 or 2 hundred rpm.
If this give you ideas for more questions fire away, you might be suprised how these threads can go on, long after they are off the front page. If no one responds, just make a diary entry, that will get your topic back on the front page without being too redundant.