Yes, it is my design. it can track the panels with optional temperature sensor, but in most cases just a seasonal adjustment in MPP voltage is good enough. Once it is out of your hands there is not much you can do about the installation. I prefer it to be in a metal case in case anything goes wrong. Especially in an enclosed space made of wood. Typically, power is 1K to 1.5K which could easily create some burning.
At my summer home I have a 50L tank for the house which is enough for the showers and dishwasher. Keep that at 60C. A 40 gallon tank for the garage laundry provides enough so that all cycles use hot water. This only heats when all house needs are fully filled. The LG washer operates off panels with no battery. so laundry is totally free. This is the only water heater you will see with jumper cables. I use the pulsing DC to desulfate batteries I pick up at town recycling. Can't save many, just a science project.