I had a couple of friends help me stand the first 20' 8" section. It is 3" od, and 2" id. We raised it up by hand. Then I ajusted the side guy wires, and let it back down to see how the wires play was. The tower is set on uneven ground. With the tower down there is about 10" of slack on one side, and the other side draped over some liloc bushes just fine. I used this section for a gin pole to raise the actual 26' gin pole. The guys tighten up as the tower goes up so it works fine. I raised the gin pole by mysef with a wich on the tower and the riding mower on the gin pole. I ajusted the guy wires for the gin pole as it went up. It rides both sides of the 5/8" bolt at the hing just about perfect. The guys realy didn't hold it. I added the top 12" section and stood it up. Then ajusted the top guys. The pipe is stong enough to stand with no guys on the top for the first lift. I am waiting for my welding cables I bought from copper cable guy on ebay. Then I can finnish the last raiseing of the test tower, hopefuly. I put a block and tackle on the gin pole it ate up the rest of my cable 120'. The tractor still worked for raiseing the tower, but the cable is a little short. I had to drive up and over the hill as the cable got shorter from lowering the tower. With the mower on the hill I will have trouble backing up, so I will have to use my truck. With the block and tackle it allows me to use the same side as the tower to pull it up. I have a long stretch of down hill pulling that way. I run out of real estate the other way. It seems kind of werd pulling the opposite way the tower is raiseing.