Actually ghurd, I didn't put the 10' prop on this motor because I didn't think I could stop it with the brake switch, the motor turned to freely with the 10'er on it. I put the 8'er on it and sent it up in the air and it took off right away up to 35, 40 amps. Woo-Hoo!
I had the hand wind meter out there then and the wind was around 18mph on the ground ( I didn't get that picture, 11.5mph went for a few hours so I took a picture of the meter just to get one of it.)
So really yes, I'm happy with the 1k watts. The motors name plate says 16.5 amps. Running it as an alternator at 2.5 times over that, works for me. It starts right up, puts out a lot of power, and I can shut it down with the stop switch. I estimate that the wind was about 23-25mph at top of the tower when furling, just where it should be turning out of the wind, so just about perfect for blade to alternator match.
I'll get an anemometer up there soon so I can give more accurate data.
Thanks for showing some intrust in my set-up.
I'm interested in one or two of your controllers.
(and no I didn't have the shaft extension on it up in the air, I just found that older picture of the motor.)