Hi everybody, my name is Pedro and I live in Portugal, since a long time ago that I follow this forum.
When I decide to build my own wind generator, I check on the web for information
My preferences go for Hugh Piggott model,
I contact with him and he was a very good helpful
I build an 8 foot machine 12 volt model
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmexEzw43g8I still contact him every time I have a doubt
Now I need a dump system, the best idea about that it was air heater, because I don't have any appliance at home for use at dump system
I search for a DIY for controllers and I have found two
http://www.fieldlines.com/board/index.php/topic,141564.htmlI build the first one and its working, not the way its describe, and I'm testing him, I connect the DC cable direct to batteries, so I don't use any relay, I wish to use the signal from IRF 510 to activate the IRF Z44N, the test point A I´ll set him for 14, 4 Volts and the test point B for 14, 3 Volts, hope that works.

The second I have follow the instructions from GHurd controller. (Now I know that it was cheaper and easy buy the kit), well if it doesn't work fine ill buy a kit.

I believe for the post about the kit that it was the best one.
My dump system has 8 resisters that I build at home, I use ceramic pipes from scrap, the box and wires was from a dead UPS, the pieces of aluminum and fans were from damage computer power supply.

I have followed the schematics from Mr GHurd, and I can say that was a great help for the job
I have these two breakers; it´s a good idea put then between the batteries and the dump box. I can use then in case of any problem?

This is what I have done, maybe next days I can share more with all forum users,
Thanks for yours post, because help too
Pedro Bernardo