The spacing sounds about right. An eight inch disk with 1" wide magnets should give you a little more than and inch of spacing between the magnets at the edges. About 1" in the middle would work best, but that should work anyhow. .3Volts with 1.5 ohms might be all your going to get, but I think you could get a little bit more. More widings, means more resistance, more resistance means more voltage up to the point where the magnet can not over come the resistance of the coil.
How close are the coils to the magnets? Should be less than 1/8". I would suggest either more windings on the coil, but it might get to a point where it levels out. Thinner wire with more windings might get more voltage, but less current, but might be more efficient with the ceramic magnets. (And you hate to not use that free wire!!)
I hope that helps.