Not many people building wind turbines anymore it seems. And I'm too busy to post every one of my projects. But I'm continually improving my designs and coming up with ways to get more power and better efficiency from 3.5 meter class machines.
When we recently switched our system to 48 volts the solar panels were no problem. I was already running the panels at 90 volts. So I just had to reconfigure the Classic for 48 volt battery and it "just works".
However, the wind turbines were another matter. They are ferrite magnet geared 3.5 meter machines and they cut in at 30 volts. Initially I just let them spin harder and worked up a new power curve in the Classic and they worked. But not very efficient in the lower wind speeds because the turbines are running too fast. So I "fixed" that by pulling the ferrite magnet rotors off and replacing them with neo magnet rotors with the same stators. That instantly switched them 60 volt cut-in and they work fine in lower winds.
But one of the problems I ran into with 48 volts is that I can't run the turbine fast enough at the top end to get decent efficiency from it. With a 24 volt turbine I can cut it in at 100 rpm @ 6 mph (TSR 7.0) and 30 volts. At the top end I can spin it up to 370 rpm @ 25 mph wind speed (TSR 6.0) and it makes 111 open volts. I can "clamp" that to whatever is necessary to get 90+% generator efficiency with the Classic's power curve for that turbine.
With 48 volt and the same rotor, if I cut in at 60 volts my open voltage at 370 rpm is 222 volts. There's no way I can "clamp" that down to ~145 to keep it below the Classic's 150 volt input limit. So the result is that the turbine has to be run in "stall" at about TSR 4-4.5 and it's very inefficient in higher wind speeds - approaching the horrendous inefficiency of most of the homebrew book designs.
So I set out on a mission to design a new direct drive turbine designed for the Classic 150 controller and a 48 volt system. I always start out designing a new turbine with CAD (Cardboard Assisted Drawing):

This is a 20 pole, 15 coil three-phase and the generator diameter is only 13". It will use 2 x 1 x .5" thick N42 neo magnets. It will also use wedge coils like the rest of my generator designs, and will also incorporate "pole cramming", i.e. jamming as many generator poles on that size rotor as is practical and still be able to fit the required copper in the stator in the size and space available.
It will cut in at 60 volts and 100 rpm. However, at the top end I need around 130 open volts instead of 222. If you do the math on this, 130 x 1.732 = 225. So this turbine will start out in wye configuration and when the input voltage gets to where the rotor has to start slowing down because the voltage is going too high, I will use the Classic's AUX 1 output with the PV V High option to activate the AUX 1 port and switch the stator to delta configuration. I'll hold it activated by adjusting the "Hold" time to give the turbine a few seconds to adjust its speed. This will let the rotor speed back up to ideal, drop the input voltage so it stays below 150, and I'll program a "bump" in the controller's power curve to make the transition smooth. When the input voltage drops below the PV V High set point it will transition back to wye configuration.
According to all my wild scheming and figures this should produce a generator capable of 3.5 kW continuous output (58 amps into a 48 volt battery @ 60 volts) at >90% power efficiency running at full bore.